Brand of die-cut and adhesive products More
A brand of products dedicated to the glass industry More
© 2024 cvgs


Jeśli masz pytania, sugestie lub chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o naszej firmie, nie wahaj się skontaktować z nami. Nasz zespół jest gotowy, by udzielić Ci wszelkich informacji i odpowiedzieć na Twoje pytania.
1 Wybierz temat
2 Wypełnij treść
3 Wyślij zapytanie
free consultation product valuation product specifications quality department question establishing cooperation general inquiry

Consider what you would like to know during the consultation and fill out the form:

    Our representative Anna Kuś will contact you soon to arrange a meeting.

    Let us know what products you would like to evaluate and fill out the form:

      Your inquiry will be redirected to a sales representative who will contact you on the same day.

      Product samples will be sent within 3 business days.

      The offer will be prepared within 7 business days.

      Do you know what solution you need?
      Ask about the specifications of a specific product.

        Our representative Anna Kuś will contact you soon to arrange a meeting.

        Do you need to consult the project in terms of quality? Do you need to find out what standards we work with? Are you looking for a converter that conducts specific material tests?

          Your inquiry will go to the quality department, which will contact you as soon as possible.

          Do you want to cooperate with us as a supplier or partner in another field?

            Your inquiry will go to the purchasing or administration department.
            We will contact you as soon as possible.

            Your inquiry will go to the purchasing or administration department.
            We will contact you as soon as possible.

              Your inquiry will go to the administration department, which, depending on its content, will redirect the form to the appropriate department.

              company data


              Przejazdowa 99 str.
              43-109 Tychy


              KRS: 0000620818
              TAX/NIP: PL646-25-96-119
              REGON: 278053370

              poznaj naszych

              Poznaj naszych przedstawicieli, których pasja, zaangażowanie i wiedza stanowią fundament naszej firmy. Nasz zespół składa się z doświadczonych profesjonalistów, gotowych sprostać nawet najbardziej wymagającym wyzwaniom. Dzięki różnorodnym umiejętnościom i bogatemu doświadczeniu, nasi przedstawiciele są nie tylko ekspertami w swoich dziedzinach, ale także gotowi wesprzeć naszych klientów w realizacji ich celów biznesowych.
              • Waldemar Ścierski

                Key Account Manager
              • Piotr Rewers

                Business Development and Export Manager
              • Kamil Parejko

                Key Account Manager
              • Anna Kuś

                Specjalista ds. wsparcia sprzedaży
              • Adam Sikorski

                Key Account Manager
              • Adrian Szydłowski

                Key Account Manager
              • Radosław Stuligłowa

                Agent Handlowy

              nasi doradcy regionalni

              Nasi doradcy regionalni to kluczowy element firmy, zapewniający naszym klientom lokalną ekspertyzę oraz dedykowane rozwiązania dostosowane do ich potrzeb. Dzięki regionalizacji, nasi doradcy są w stanie dostarczyć kompleksową i spersonalizowaną obsługę szybciej.
              Adam Sikorski

              Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, Wielkopolskie, Zachodniopomorskie

              Adrian Szydłowski

              Kujawsko-pomorskie, Lubelskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie, Podlaskie, Pomorskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie

              Waldemar Ścierski

              Małopolskie, Opolskie, Podkarpackie, Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie,

              Kamil Parejko

              Małopolskie, Opolskie, Podkarpackie, Śląskie, Świętokrzyskie,

              with us!

              free consultation product valuation product specifications quality department question establishing cooperation general inquiry

              Consider what you would like to know during the consultation and fill out the form:

                Our representative Anna Kuś will contact you soon to arrange a meeting.

                Let us know what products you would like to evaluate and fill out the form:

                  Your inquiry will be redirected to a sales representative who will contact you on the same day.

                  Product samples will be sent within 3 business days.

                  The offer will be prepared within 7 business days.

                  Do you know what solution you need?
                  Ask about the specifications of a specific product.

                    Our representative Anna Kuś will contact you soon to arrange a meeting.

                    Do you need to consult the project in terms of quality? Do you need to find out what standards we work with? Are you looking for a converter that conducts specific material tests?

                      Your inquiry will go to the quality department, which will contact you as soon as possible.

                      Do you want to cooperate with us as a supplier or partner in another field?

                        Your inquiry will go to the purchasing or administration department.
                        We will contact you as soon as possible.

                        Your inquiry will go to the purchasing or administration department.
                        We will contact you as soon as possible.

                          Your inquiry will go to the administration department, which, depending on its content, will redirect the form to the appropriate department.

                          Would you like to get to know us better?

                          If you want to see the inside of our company, learn about our processes, and meet our team in person, we would be happy to meet you at our headquarters. Fill out the form, and we will arrange a convenient meeting time.